Living in New York, and having the opportunity to travel has given me the ability to appreciate the natural world, and translate these reactions to create images.
Throughout my photographic career, I developed a good eye seeing the interplay of composition and light in nature and like to explore this in landscape photography. Light and shadow effect scenes and objects, bringing out contrasts, creating a mood, or an emotional reaction.
I enjoy immersing myself in photographic technology and processing images to illustrate what I saw or felt. Although I am interested in pushing technology to obtain sharpness, I also experiment with different camera techniques such as “intentional camera movement” to interpret what I see. I enjoy sharing my perceptions with others, giving them the opportunity to react to the images I have created.
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Melva was born in England and emigrated to the United States in the 1960s. She has painted in some form or other all her life. Earlier works were from her 13 month trek across the United States. She is self taught and apart from a course in illustration at R.I.T., she has no formal training. She has had several commissioned works and completed numerous advertising illustrations for her employer. Now retired, she has returned to her love of oil painting. Her work is also exhibited at Artizann's Gallery in Naples, NY and she has contributed to many OCAC art shows. She is delighted to show her work in Gallery 32 and hopes you will enjoy her artwork.
I have been making art since I was 6. My formal art training was at Rhode Island School of Design where I pursued a master’s degree in Art Education. Later, I pursued advanced degrees (MS and PhD) in Art Therapy.
Currently, I have 45 (+) years of experience with patient populations (aged 3-96). I am a licensed art therapist, psychotherapist, registered yoga teacher, certified yoga therapist (, and trained EMDR clinician. My approach is working within a family systems model using a spiritual/mind/body model. Beyond my clinical work, in the 1990’s, I founded and directed the graduate Art Therapy program at Nazareth College (now Nazareth University). I retired in 2016 from academia, Professor Emerita, and have authored more than nine (9) books available on Amazon.
But mostly , I love making art.
Patricia Overmoyer is a 1977 graduate of Cornell's School of Architecture, Art and Planning with a BFA in Fine Arts, majoring in painting and printmaking. Upon graduation she received the Goodwin Sands Memorial Medal for "exceptional merit in art".
After a long hiatus she resumed her art career in 2008, concentrating on digital photography. Since then, she has shown her work in several different juried shows, as well as a gallery show at the Genesee Valley Arts Council, and has won many awards for her photography.
She lives in rural Bloomfield, NY, a setting that affords a rich variety of subject matter, from expansive vistas to the tiniest of natural details. She has always been fascinated by the natural world outdoors.
Lately her passion has been to seek out interesting abstract compositions from the minutia that she finds there. She enjoys finding, capturing, and sharing with others her vision of the inherent beauty in God's creation. She prints her photographs with uniquely colored borders, specifically chosen to enhance the images. Each image is titled and signed, although these elements can be covered with a mat, if so desired.
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